Zoonoses is a gold open-access, peer-reviewed journal for research scientists, physicians, veterinarians, and public health professionals working on diverse disciplinaries of zoonotic diseases. Zoonoses provides an open platform for rapid publication of the latest findings, approaches, and viewpoints related to medical sciences, veterinary sciences, and public health. Article types accepted include research articles, review articles, commentaries, editorials, short communications, case report articles, letters to the Editor and study protocols. These should focus on multi-disciplinary research or clinical topics in zoonosis. Papers should advance the scientific knowledge of the epidemiology, etiology, biology, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and management of zoonotic diseases related to viral, bacterial, parasitic, or fungal infections.
- 8 results
Reads: 1.5k+Scores: 4.25The Epidemiology of Circulating Rotavirus Associated with Diarrhea in Egyptian Kids and Calves: A ReviewSubject Area: Epidemiology*Keywords: Rotavirus A; Rotavirus Genotypes; Human; Calves; Egypt14 Apr 2023 11:17
Reads: 1.6k+Scores: 4.75Effectiveness of oral fluid in pathogenic surveillance of acute respiratory infectionSubject Area: General Medical ResearchKeywords: oral fluid; throat swab; nucleic acid detection; respiratory pathogen07 Feb 2023 16:14
Reads: 1.1k+Scores: 3.75Preparation of equine immunoglobulin F(ab′)2 against smallpox and evaluation of its immunoprotective effectSubject Area: Immunology, General Medical ResearchKeywords: Smallpox; Equine immunoglobulin F(ab')2 fragments; Needle-free; Immunoprotective20 Jan 2023 20:15
Reads: 1.4k+Scores: 0Plague and Yersinia pestis: some knowns and unknownsSubject Area: Bioinformatics, ImmunologyKeywords: Yersinia pestis; plague; physiology; evolution; pathogenesis06 Jan 2023 08:37
Reads: 934Scores: 0A marked decline of Taenia solium taeniasis and cysticercosis infections in China: possible reasons from ecological determinant perspectivesSubject Area: Microbiology, Scientific Communication & EducationKeywords: Taenia solium; epidemiology; pig farming patterns; toilet revolution; China04 Jan 2023 14:54
Reads: 976Scores: 0Novel clinical and genomic signatures of the 2022 monkeypox virusSubject Area: Epidemiology*, GenomicsKeywords: monkeypox; outbreak; evolution; treatment and prevention04 Jan 2023 14:48
Reads: 1.0k+Scores: 4Development and efficacy evaluation of a SP01-adjuvanted inactivated Escherichia coli mutant vaccine against bovine coliform mastitisSubject Area: Genomics, BioengineeringKeywords: Mastitis; Escherichia coli; Cow16 Nov 2022 11:22